Rosco 产品的工具和信息中心
Image Spot Mini 5500K 11° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 3000K 11° Lens IES file
Custom LitePad CCT 95 Specification Language
Interior Vinyl Adhesive #813 Technical Data Sheet
Roscoflamex PC Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Roscoflamex WD Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Roscoflamex PA Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Roscoflamex SF Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Roscoflamex DF Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Roscoflamex NF Flame Retardant Certificate (CA)
Rosco LitePad CE Declaration of Conformity
Rosco LitePad RoHS Declaration of Compliance
RoscoLED® VariWhite Ultra CCT Color Temperature Profile
RoscoLED® VariWhite CCT Color Temperature Profile
Custom LitePad® CCT Color Temperature Profile
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