Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Anton In Show Business
  • Lighting Designer
    Jack Anderson
  • Venue
    Gist Theater
  • Producing Entity
    Humboldt State University

The first picture is when the lights are fading to a blackout, just after Lisabette gave a final monologue. (picture 3)
The second picture is an image of the audition room, where Casey and Lisabette are about to audition for "The Three Sisters"
The third picture is the closing scene, where the character named Lisabette spewed all her emotions in her final monologue.
The fourth picture is an image of a character named Joby, who sits as an audience member through out the entire show. (she's the fourth wall-breaker)

Colors Used:

  • R313
  • R64
  • R302
  • R54
  • R349
  • R4760
  • R4330
  • R312
  • R61
  • R07