Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Bryan Chess

Much Ado About Nothing, Hofstra University Department of Drama and Dance; Directed by Jean Dobie Giebel; Set Design by David Henderson; Costume Design by Pei-Chi Su; Lighting Design by Bryan Chess

Colors/Gobos Used:
Cyc: R83, hint of R67
Moon: R77154
Side: R74
Window: R77135
Doors: R20
Front: R55

Our production of "Much Ado About Nothing" was set in post World War I on the north shore of Long Island, NY. The cyc was used to replicate the Long Island sky over the course of the production. The night sky after the masquerade ball was created by using R83 from the top and bottom of the cyc, as well as R67 from the top. The R77154 moon gobo helped show the time of the month (a full moon was used later in the production). The glow of the mansion doors (R20) helped show that business was still being conducted in the house. The R74 from the high side and the R77135 window gobo provide a key of moonlight shining into the room, while a fill of R55 from the front illuminates the actors. The darkness of the night mirrored Don John and Borachio's evil scheming.

Colors Used:

  • R83
  • R67
  • R74
  • R20
  • R55