Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Evil Dead the Musical
  • Lighting Designer
    Jeff Cusano
  • Venue
    Ephrata Performing Arts Center
  • Producing Entity
    Ed Fernandez

Evil Dead the Musical
Ephrata Performing Arts Center
Director: Ed Fernandez
Scenic Design: Mike Rhoads
Lighting Design: Jeff Cusano

I used combinations of R19, R22, R26, and R27 for the evil/zombie scenes mostly in side light and pattern washes, trying to get as creepy and mottled as possible. As campy as the show is, I still wanted to convey a 'horror' feel, but in a quite Broadway way. R344, R68, in sides and R80, R68, R342, and R357 in diagonal backlight scrollers allowed me to cut some "glam" through the red tones for the more 'showy' and pre-zombie attack scenes. R389, R386, and R60 were used in the woods scenes with patterns, and I relied on R09 and R362 for front fill washes and to allow the massive amount of blood be seen by the audience! Rosco patterns used- 77280, 77223, 78418, 77862, 77764.

Colors Used:

  • R19
  • R22
  • R26
  • R27