Roscolux, Supergel, Cinegel
R00 Dempster Open White
A durable, heat resistant polycarbonate film used in the preparation of color scrollers to allow the passage from a color to clear. (Transmission = 96%).
Roscolux, Supergel
R01 Light Bastard Amber
Enhances fair skin tones. Suggests strong sunlight. (Transmission = 56%).
R02 Bastard Amber
Good where a tint of color is needed. Excellent for natural skin tones. (Transmission = 78%).
R03 Dark Bastard Amber
Most saturated Bastard Amber. (Transmission = 62%).
R303 Warm Peach
Heavier Amber-pink tint. Useful to create warm sunlight. (Transmission = 55%).
R04 Medium Bastard Amber
Especially useful when cross lit with a cool color. Excellent for natural sunlight. (Transmission = 66%).
R304 Pale Apricot
A peach amber. More yellow than 305. (Transmission = 79%).
R05 Rose Tint
A clean pale pink; useful as a blush for skin tones. (Transmission = 80%).
R305 Rose Gold
A pale blush amber for skin tones and backlight. (Transmission = 75%).
R07 Pale Yellow
Double saturation of 06. (Transmission = 96%).
R09 Pale Amber Gold
Deep straw. Good for late afternoon sunsets or firelight. (Transmission = 74%).
R10 Medium Yellow
Yellow with green. Good for special effects. Unflattering in acting areas. (Transmission = 92%).
R11 Light Straw
Pale yellow with slight red content. Useful for candle effects. Can be used for area lighting. For bright day feeling. (Transmission = 82%).
R312 Canary
Warmer than 10. A bright, vibrant yellow that evokes exotic sunlight. Use with caution on skin. (Transmission = 85%).
R13 Straw Tint
Much less green than in other straws. Suggests warm sunlight glow when contrasted with ambers and blues. (Transmission = 78%).
R313 Light Relief Yellow
Vibrant Yellow. More red than 312. Less green than all other yellows. (Transmission = 76%).
R14 Medium Straw
Pale amber-higher red content than 12. Sunlight, accents, area lighting with caution to skin tones. (Transmission = 68%).
R15 Deep Straw
Warm golden amber with some green. Useful for special effects-candlelight, firelight. (Transmission = 65%).
R317 Apricot
A rosy amber which produces a romantic sunset color. Useful as sidelight or backlight color. (Transmission = 51%).
R318 Mayan Sun
A medium salmon color which evokes feeling of a tropical island. A good sunset color. Interesting backlight and accent color. Good for warm tonal effects. (Transmission = 52%).
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