Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Colleen Dolan

Eurydice, directed by Mark Cirnigliaro for the Jameson Theater Company.
An experimental theater company that only has 24 dimmers.
It's a challenge.
Eurydice, a play by Sarah Ruhl, was also a challenge especially given the limitations of the space.

It involves the underworld, which had some freaky "stones" as characters, back lit with R39, and the underworld was pretty much created using only R66, and R39. Teal is scary.

Other colors were: r08, r33, r51, and r19 which we ended up nicknaming "Fuckin' red!".

It was a lot of fun, and got some good feedback; specifically about the environmental contrast between the overworld and underworld, delineated by lighting.

Colors Used:

  • R39
  • R66
  • R51
  • R19
  • R08
  • R33