Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Tongue Of a Bird
  • Lighting Designer
    Bradley King
  • Venue
    NYU Dept of Graduate Acting Atlas Rm Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Lisa Rothe

For this particular scene, we needed to create a brilliant white cyclorama - as blinding as a snowstorm. Unfortunately, being in a New York City black box, the grid was all of 11'-0" high, and I had only 18" of depth in which to hang instruments to light this drop. Additionally, the drop had to be lit right to the floor, which meant no groundrow. 6' Ministrips from above were the only option.

The set designer and I settled on seamless polysilk for the drop, with a white muslin bounce 2'-0" further upstage. I used two cells of Roscolux 3204 and one cell of Roscolux 68.

The red-shifted R3204 counteracted the hint of yellow in the muslin bounce, and the R68 gave the white a beautiful sense of depth. It was one of the most stunning moments in the production.

by Ellen McLaughlin
directed by Lisa Rothe
set design by David Meyer
costume design by Annie Simon
produced by New York University, department of Graduate Acting
Atlas Room Theater, 2010.

Colors Used:

  • R3204
  • R68