Color Resource Gallery

The Diviners

  • Production
    The Diviners
  • Lighting Designer
    Brandon Ingli and Michael Matulewic
  • Venue
    Marquette High School, Chesterfield, Missouri
  • Producing Entity
    Marquette Theatre Company, Marquette High School

The trio of R03, R33, and R60 is our company's go-to trio for general wash. We typically use an RGB set of gels for our cyc, but we decided to swap the red with amber for this show to be able to more closely replicate colors of the sky, especially sunrise and sunset. Where our use of color really shines (pun intended) is during the show's final scene, where Buddy drowns. We used a combination of R376 and R79 from the top, R125 and R126 on the cyc, and R376 and R79 hitting the walls and ceiling of the house. Combined with a theater-shaking sound effect and our choice to fly Buddy, the ambience of being underwater was a success and really struck a chord with the audience.

Colors Used:

  • R03
  • R33
  • E144
  • R376
  • E141
  • R125
  • R126