Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Other Desert Cities
  • Lighting Designer
    David Willmore
  • Venue
    Forbes Center for the Performing Arts
  • Producing Entity
    Steve Einhorn

Taking place over the course of Christmas Eve in a secluded home in the Southern California desert, both the scenic and lighting designs strive for naturalism. Lavenders and amber toplight provided a natural warmth, with the addition of blue top- and backlights indicating a shift to night and an increasing coolness in the text of the play. The moments surrounding the climax of the play introduced a saturate blue shatter template highlighting the papers in the air, and remaining visible for a beat before fading to black.

Colors Used:

  • R351
  • R52
  • R02
  • R2007
  • R2008
  • R83
  • R119
  • R39