Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Catherine Teitz
  • Venue
    Granoff Center, Brown University
  • Producing Entity
    Jones & Teitz

These images capture the beginning and the end of the final fight in Tempests. Tempests is a sequel to Shakespeare's The Tempest, with a plot arc inspired by the movie Aliens. The first photo introduces Ariel, a fairy queen bent on the death of those who have colonized her island, and the second shows her defeated by Miranda. This was an independent student production, with less than a week in the space for both tech and performance, so we needed to accomplish emphatic statements using limited resources. The hard diagonal streak of R19 over a wash of R384 (mimicked using ETC Selador Vivid-R LEDs) mirrored the harshness of Ariel's first appearance. Both the cut and the color reflected her violent personality and set the tone of combat. The fight itself took place downstage, and only as Ariel was defeated did she move into the beam. Here the purpose of the light shifted from reflecting her strength to bathing her in blood moments before her death.

Colors Used:

  • R19
  • R384