Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    A&E Breakout Kings Premier Party
  • Lighting Designer
    Bob Suchocki
  • Venue
    SIR Stage 37
  • Producing Entity
    Bob Suhocki

Lighting Company: Pulse Stage Lighting
Lighting Design: Bob Suchocki
Venue: SIR Stage 37, Manhattan, NY
Event: A&E Breakout Kings Premier Party

Rosco Products Used:

Rosco #22 - Deep Amber
Rosco #119 - Light Hamburg Frost
Rosco #3202 - Full Blue
Rosco #77622 - Jail Bars Shadow
Rosco #77570 - Sponged

Our client wanted to depict a dark, dreary prison. We added the day light "prison bar shadow" gobos, in 50 Degree Lekos, dropped down 4' to give the feel of the sun shining into the prison. The "Sponged" gobos and R22 allowed us to light the space nicely from above, but still gave it the broken up, dingy feel we were looking for. The same feel was visible in the interrogation room, AKA guest check-in. All of the buffets were lit with only R119 to soften the edges.

Colors Used:

  • R22
  • R119
  • R3202